Archives for the month of: March, 2013

Resurrection Sunday is about openings.  The open tomb door.

The opening into belief as Christ showed Himself to the Disciples.

The opening of the Disciples minds as Christ explained to them the

Scriptures that all pointed to Him…Easter Openings

Luke 24:36-46


This final chapter in the Daniel survey shows us that

It’s not too late to start the process by which you can finish well for God!

“It is never to late to be what you might have been.”
– George Eliot

Three points to begin your “end” on

Be delighted in the Lord  (Ps. 37:4)

Put away your “inside anger” (Col.3:8,13)

Find yourself in Christ and image will be everything! (Phil.3:7-9)Daniel’s Finish

Would you consider yourself blessed?

Daniel was a man possessed of an ‘extraordinary spirit’

The blessings conferred upon him were those of a man who

was obedient to God, having dedicated himself to do God’s work

from the time he was a boy.

Most of the blessings that Daniel enjoyed were those that accrued

to other people both simple and great. He enjoyed a great reputation

was held in high esteem, and was a contented man.  In this sermon

consider the caliber of God’s blessings and the results that can come

from being blessed of God!Daniel’s Fortunes


We always get messages through tv, magazines, and our devices about what we need.  What we need to be.  Who we need to look like.  Why our life could stand an improvement-or three!  For the Christian, there is one thing that we absolutely need with which to please God.  Faith.  In this study, we’ll look at Daniel’s life and note three areas in which he took God at His Word…And was blessed because of it!

Daniel, Faithfully His

Another in our series of “In Hims” from Ephesians chapter 1.  In verses 11 and 12, we discover an inheritance that is ours in the future in Christ, but that is our possession now!  Also, I give an illustration using our ’89 Skiddoo and my nephew and niece as examples!In Him…There’s a Future!