Archives for the month of: January, 2013

We’re looking at three portraits today that will communicate the importance of three offerings that we can and should make to God of ourselves.  The offering of our time, of our efforts, and the offering of our money.  Be inspired by the lives of three great Bible men who offered themselves to God in these ways!Beckoning Bravehearts 2

For Gideon, bravery and answering the call of God weren’t part of his agenda.  He wasn’t down with jumping into the fight against the terrorists that surrounded Israel in his day.  But though he had doubts and fears, he did exhibit a brave heart at times and saw God use him to do unbelievable things.  In the beginning of the Gideon story, he asks the angel of the LORD to wait until he can make an offering.  When he brings it, God consumes it with fire from on high and proves His might to Gideon.  If we’ll offer ourselves as a living sacrifice, we’ll find ourselves consumed by God and on the road to living all-

Beckoning Bravehear     out for God!

Looking at a new year, we want to look to God for what He wants to do in us!  In James 2, we’re told that faith without accompanying works is not a faith that is alive!  The encouragement is to see our faith made alive in 2013!Our faith made alive

There have been indications of  events that Israel could expect to take place in the near and distant future in previous Daniel chapters.  In chapter 9, we have some specifics as to how long the correction of the Lord would take place to get His chosen people back into line with God’s eternal plan for them. Sunday sermon: Dec. 30, 2012

Foresight and Insight