Archives for the month of: October, 2011


We had examined the succession from Apostle to Elder

Now we come to Deacon and some understanding as to why we sometimes call leadership “Deacons”

Who are Deaconesses?  How did the church get these titles, anyway?

Sometimes in a congregation there is an aversion to leadership.  As Americans, we have a fierce desire to be considered equal.  Well, ok.  Here’s a consequence of equality:  The list of qualifications for church leaders is to be adhered to by those of us in the pew as well!the structure of church2


Structure sometimes makes us think, ” Oh, no, sounds boring!”, but as we’ll see, it’s not about order of service or the fact that there is a tablecloth committee that makes up the discussion of church structure.  It is the succession of leadership as we see explained in the Scriptures.

I. THe succession is from Apostle to Elder

II. The focus is on “being” the right candidate for Elder, not “doing”; God and the Holy Spirit put these folks in place and they are being servants, faithfully encouraging Christians, and teaching.

III. Do we pray for our leadership, and do we have a Biblical view of how we are to submit to leadership?  What if there was a moral difficulty The Structure of Churchin our congregation?  Would we submit to the stand and wisdom of our leadership?

Second in series: Who and Where is Church talks about who makes up the church and whether it matters where they gather.

SynopsisWho and Where is the Church

I. Who is the Church?

Blood-bought people who are trusting solely in Jesus’ sacrifice for salvation.  Christians are also identified as those who have knowledge about:  Love, obedience, and Truth –I John 5:2,3,20. Also, the beginning of the church is discussed-Acts 2 and 10

II. Where is the Church?

Anywhere two or more Christians are gathered together!-Acts 2:1

In this introduction to our theme for this teaching year, Strong Church-Strong Families, The Place to BE discusses What is Church.  Coming together for church is a challenge not unlike the critical challenge of moving beyond  getting religious on Sundays and following Jesus each and every day.

Synopsis-What is Church?The Place to BE

I. It’s Christ’s body-Col 1:18,24

II. It’s described as a mystery-Col. 1:26,27

III. It’s the place where Christians gather for instruction and encouragement-Heb. 10:19-25

Why do Church

The death of Steve Jobs on Wednesday reminds us about how influential he was.  People riding donkeys in developing nations are talking on i phones!

Church is about being influenced.  Influenced by the teaching of God’s Word, and by other Christians who are to be “spurring us on to love and good deeds…”  But church is also about being people of influence.  And so while we don’t have millions to spend on charity or the skill to invent gadgets that people all over the globe will love, we can make a difference.  We shine like stars amidst a culture of darkness.  How brightly we shine is up to us….

Synopsis-We Do Church because….

I. It’s Christ’s command-We’re instructed to continue meeting together; and our gathering is implied throughout the NT//Hebrews 10: 24,25

II. It’s Christ’s core workforce for doing His will in the world//Acts 1:8, Mark 16:15

III. It’s Christ’s classroom for inward transformation and outward (cultural) transformation //Philippians 2:12-16