Archives for the month of: March, 2012

Yeah, I know you’re not a professional minister like Timothy or Paul

but in this examination of Philippians 2:19-30, we’ll see that you don’t

have to be a pro to be an effective minister to someone’s needs!The Soul Minister

In this section of Philippians 2, we’re reminded about the importance

of not complaining, but of adopting the mindset that would allow

us to offer ourselves on the altar of faith’s sacrifice!drop the complaint

in this study, we’ll be coming to an understanding of “work out your salvation”

from Philippians 2:12,13!work out for Christians

What does a name signify?  Certain names bring a set of emotions, impressions, and

meanings.  What range of reassurances, truths-and hopefully-confimations come to mind

when you hear the name of Jesus?the name